Fleet renewal remains the basis for noise and CO2 reduction

Now that European agreements have been made on the blending of sustainable fuels, sustainability will accelerate.
The focus on fleet renewal remains the most important spearhead in Eindhoven Airport's policy to limit noise nuisance. The airport also wants to encourage the use of sustainable fuels as a means to reduce CO2 emissions. Fleet renewal is at the basis of Pieter van Geel's advice, in response to the Eindhoven Airport Test Case, to reduce noise nuisance in the region. New aircraft types will not only be quieter, but also emit less CO2. Together with the addition of sustainable fuels, this will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions from the civil flight movements at Eindhoven Airport.
“Crisis or not, we have committed ourselves to Pieter van Geel's advice to substantially reduce the noise load in 2030 compared to 2019 and to start right away. Fleet renewal is an important condition for reducing nuisance. Despite all the uncertainties that now exist as a result of the crisis, we continue to pursue the objective in Van Geel's advice to have a 60% new fleet at Eindhoven Airport by 2030, ”says Roel Hellemons, CEO / CEO of Eindhoven Airport .
In order to stimulate the use of quieter and cleaner aircraft in the coming years, the airport wants to make a distinction from April 2021 in the rate that airlines have to pay, the so-called port dues. The proposal is to offer a discount to airlines that come with cleaner and quieter aircraft.
In addition, Eindhoven Airport is committed to a European obligation for airlines to mix kerosene with sustainable fuels. The addition of sustainable fuels will contribute to the further greening of aviation.
The airport itself is well on track to be emission-free by 2030 for all land-based activities.
Hellemons: “Especially now that state aid is being given to airlines on a large scale in Europe, we understand very well that people are asking to attach conditions to that aid. In our view, this should preferably be imposed at European level, in order to create a fair playing field for airlines and to achieve the most results. We expect aviation to gradually recover and with these conditions we may be able to accelerate the necessary sustainability of the sector. That would be the profit this crisis brings. We are committed to this by national and European governments. ''
In terms of noise nuisance, the Eindhoven airport froze on its own initiative in 2019 the number of flights per year at 41,500 instead of the - for that year - licensed space of 43,000. As a result of the Eindhoven Airport Test Case, the maximum number of flight movements will remain fixed at 41,500 until 2021. From October this year, Eindhoven Airport will also stop planning flights after 11 p.m. to further limit noise nuisance in the region. The existing differentiation in port charges for airlines wishing to fly late at night or early in the morning will be maintained in the future.