Keflavik Airport Receives an International Service Award

Keflavík International Airport is among the best airports in Europe in 2022 in its size category (5-15 million passengers per year) when it comes to service quality. This is the result of an international service survey by the Airports Council International (ACI) which is carried out at nearly 300 airports around the world every year.
Keflavík International Airport has participated in the service survey, the Airport Service Quality Program (ASQ) for almost two decades and has received this recognition ten times and now for the fifth year in a row. Keflavík International Airport is one of seven European airports in its category that received the highest average score in the survey and therefore receives this recognition.
The ACI service survey, the Airport Service Quality programme (ASQ), is the most respected and significant grading carried out on the service quality of airports. In its execution, passengers at airports throughout the world are asked standardised questions about 31 service aspects, as well as questions about the overall satisfaction and overall experience of the airport and the well-being of passengers when the survey is carried out in the terminal. The comparison is therefore comprehensive and standardised, both between airports and between years. The survey is conducted in 291 airports throughout the world, 109 of which are in Europe. Keflavík International Airport is among 35 airports in its category, i.e. European airports with 5-15 million passengers per year.
"With this recognition, we and all other operators in the airport community at Keflavík International Airport are reaping what has been sown in recent years," says Sveinbjörn Indriðason, CEO of Isavia. "Keflavík International Airport is judged based on all the activities that take place there, whether it's what we at Isavia are responsible for or what the police, customs or the operators of restaurants, shops, airlines, bus companies, or car rentals manage. We are proud and moved by this recognition, which shows that, despite construction and traffic in peak hours, we have succeeded in maintaining a high quality of service."
More here: Keflavík International Airport Receives an International Service Award | Isavia