Keflavik Airport is One of the Best Connected Airports of its Size

Keflavík Airport is in eleventh place in its size category on the list of Airports Council International Europe (ACI Europe) regarding the quality of connections.
Every year, ACI publishes a report on airport connections and their quality, but several factors are combined in the overall rating of the airports. Keflavík Airport receives a very good rating as a hub, making it one of the top airports in its size category.
When calculating the rating for a connecting station, the main consideration is the number of connecting flights that can be facilitated by the hub airport in question – taking into account a minimum and maximum connecting time, and weighing the quality of the connections by the detour involved and connecting times.
It is also interesting to see how many airports still have to make up for the loss in connections that occurred during the Covid-19 epidemic, but Keflavík Airport is almost at the same place it was in 2019.
Isavia's strategy is to work with our business partners to provide customers with efficient and quality service. We operate an efficient and competitive hub with clear and measurable service standards, and we intend to increase the number of flight connections. It is gratifying to receive recognition of our success in this way.
Read the entire report here.