Hollywood Location Manager Becky Brake visits Tampere

Becky Brake, a well-known location manager from Hollywood, visited Tampere this week for three days. Brake’s earlier productions include films like Mission: Impossible, Star Trek and Men in Black.
Brake is visiting Finland to survey the country as a possible new location for film productions. In Tampere, Brake wanted to see a wide variety of locations suitable for films, which she studied from the perspective of action films, for example. The location manager visited places like the Finlayson area, Hiedanranta, Pispalanharju ridge and Pispala log floating tunnel. Film Tampere, the local film commission, also took Brake to Tehdas 108 in Nokia as well as Kaleva Church, where she was exposed to the impressive architecture she was wishing to see.
“The most interesting locations in Tampere were the city centre, Milavida and the mouth of the Rantatunnel in Naistenlahti. I was also particularly impressed by the large size of the studios at Mediapolis,” says Location Manager Becky Brake.
In addition to urban locations, Brake was impressed by the bearded trees and root-strewn trails of Siikaneva bog.
AV production incentive acts as a financial motivator for film crews
Last year, Finland launched a €10 million production incentive for the audio-visual industry under the administration of Business Finland. For production companies, this means a 25% cash rebate on the production costs incurred in Finland. In early 2018, the City of Tampere also launched its own production incentive system, which provides a 10–15% cash rebate on production costs spent in the area.
“Getting visitors of this calibre in Finland wouldn’t be possible without the production incentive. When international productions consider Finland as a location, the decision may also be influenced by the support and expertise of local film commissions”, says Elina Häkkinen, Business advisor at Film Tampere.
By combining the production incentives of Tampere and Finland, an international production company may receive a rebate of up to 40% if they come and film in Tampere. The cash rebate is highly significant, since film crews use local services a lot, large crews in particular. For this reason, production incentives for the audio-visual industry act as financial motivators when production companies consider locations for their films and TV series.
Read more: https://businesstamperemagazine.com/news/hollywood-location-manager-becky-brake-visits-tampere