Augmented reality explored in day care in Tampere

Children put to test an application that allows them to add virtual elements, like dinosaurs to the scenery they see through a camera.
City of Tampere tests an application allowing children to explore augmented reality in ten day care centres for a year. Children can view their surroundings through a camera in a tablet and use the app to design a picture reflecting both their immediate surroundings and virtual elements like animals, humans and various objects. When the design is ready, children can save the picture on the tablet.
Day care centres are exploring augmented reality as a part of City of Tampere’s Smart Tampere program. The goal for the trial is to examine how augmented and virtual reality can benefit learning.
̶ It’s not enough to just provide devices to day care centres. Users need pedagogical content that adds value to learning, motivates to search information and develops skills needed in the future, says Project Manager Heli Ketola from the Smart Tampere Program.
3DBear AR -application has been developed by 3DBear Inc.
Article by Smart Tampere / Hanna Porrassalmi
Picture: Hanna Porrassalmi