Digital urban planning of Viinikanlahti in Tampere attracts international interest

The Viinikanlahti international urban ideas competition that is open to all has aroused interest among urban designers in Finland and abroad. By the set time limit, more than 40 designer teams submitted a total of close to one hundred questions on the competition that was announced in mid-May. The questions concerned the contents of the competition programme. The English answers to these questions were published on the competition website on 19 June 2019.
The popularity of electronic working methods is increasing in the organisation of the most significant architectural and design competitions. Digitality is an essential working method also in the Viinikanlahti competition in Tampere. The new methods include presenting the main initial data of the competition on a Weup aerial map, the use of electronic tools of the jury in addition to traditional meetings, and submitting the second phase competition entries as 3D models.
In architectural competitions, also digital submission of competition entries has become the norm. In the Viinikanlahti competition, organised by using digital methods, the aim has been to achieve automation throughout the entire process: from the initial data to the publication of competition results.
– In accordance with its strategy, the City of Tampere promotes digital working methods in its most important urban development projects. Working methods based on data modelling and digitality enhance the speed and ease of urban and construction planning processes. For citizens, e.g. virtual models are a new and easy way to understand the plans, explains Deputy Mayor Anna-Kaisa Heinämäki, who acts as the chair of the jury.
The renewed digital aerial map can be viewed by anyone
Anyone anywhere in the world can learn about Viinikanlahti in Tampere by using the renewed digital aerial map. The map illustrates the starting points for the landscape, traffic, and infrastructure design. The area can be viewed as part of urban construction in 2030 in zoomable 360-degree panoramic photographs and as a 3D model.
In addition, lights and shadows on summer and winter days can also be examined: the new “Valo–Light" video that illustrates the seasons in the centre of Tampere reflects this. The video has been published as part of the competition material. Also the King’s map from the 18th century and the orthoaerial images starting from 1947, which tell about the development history of the area, have been positioned on the aerial map.
– To celebrate the Midsummer, the winter sceneries covered by snow and ice have been updated to green summer views in the aerial map, says Project Development Manager Minna Seppänen from the City of Tampere.
Towards construction after the competition
The first phase of the competition that ends in late September is expected to attract plenty of participants from all over the world. A maximum of the six best competition entries will be selected to the second phase. The winner of the two-phased competition will be announced in April 2020. After this, the City will continue the more detailed planning of the area, prepare a local detailed plan for the area, and clean the contaminated soil and water areas in the area.
The new city district that will be linked to the city centre will be constructed in phases approximately between 2024–2035. In Tampere, many citizens have for a long time wished that the wastewater treatment plant area close to the city centre be turned into an urban environment designed for the use of people.
– The aim is to gain at least 3,000 new residents in the city centre and to establish diverse leisure time services related to the shores, says Project Director Tero Tenhunen.
The Viinikanlahti international urban ideas competition is organised by the City of Tampere in cooperation with the Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA) and the Association of Finnish Landscape Architects (MARK).
For more information about the competition and its materials in Finnish and in English:
Viinikanlahti competition website
Video four seasons in the five star city centre 2030
Further information
Anna-Kaisa Heinämäki
Tel. 040 639 7701
Project Manager
Tero Tenhunen
Tel. +358 (0)50 540 2860
Project Development Manager
Minna Seppänen
Tel. +358 40 150 9857