Six competition entries to continue in the Viinikanlahti International urban ideas competition in Tampere

The second phase of the Viinikanlahti International urban ideas competition in Tampere started on 14 November 2019. Of the total of 57 competition entries submitted in the second phase, the jury selected six for the second phase. The pseudonyms of these entries are “Divercity”, “Lakes&Roses”, “SoBa”, “Pärske”, “Greenikka” and “Natural Alliance”. The jury will publish the winner and other prize-winning competition entries in April 2020.
The City of Tampere’s aim is to find, through the Viinikanlahti international urban ideas competition, a good combination of urban and landscape architecture for a new city district of around 3,000 residents. This will be built in the 2020s and 2030s, when the wastewater treatment plant functions have been removed from the area and the local detailed plan has been completed. The area is located on the shores of Lake Pyhäjärvi and right next to the city centre.
A total of 57 competition entries were submitted in the first phase of the competition. The jury of the competition is satisfied with the number, quality, and diversity of the competition entries submitted in the first phase. The six entries that were selected for the second phase will be given specified instructions. The contestants can work until February 2020 on their competition entries to make them even better.
- The City of Tampere expects the six competition entries selected for the second phase to be developed, for example, in relation to their feasibility, green connections and future-orientation, says Deputy Mayor Jaakko Stenhäll, the chair of the jury.
Tampere is a forerunner among Finnish cities in the application of new technologies to urban development. Electronic methods will be used in the planning of the Viinikanlahti area from start to finish. This applies e.g. to the presentation of the initial data of the competition, working of the contestants, evaluation work of the jury, and information distributed to the general public. The 3D models that will be submitted in the second phase will be interesting to view both as printed scale models and in a 3D cave.
- The new digital working methods that we have developed for this competition can also be applied to our other urban development projects, says Teppo Rantanen, the Executive Director of the Growth, Innovation and Competitiveness services and a member of the jury.
The second phase of the competition will start on 14 November 2019. The authors of the selected competition entries will receive new instructions from the jury in the competition programme for the second phase. The six contestants selected for the second phase must submit their designs that have been developed further in February 2020. The City of Tampere will place these on display as part of the preparatory material for the local detailed plan in February-March. At that point, citizens and other parties can submit their opinions. The jury will be informed of the feedback received. The jury will announce the winners of the competition in April 2020.
Competition entries selected for the second phase
Viinikanlahti competition entries
Viinikanlahti competition website
Five star city centre developing program
Further information
Jaakko Stenhäll
Tel. +358451378505
Project Development Manager
Minna Seppänen
Tel. +358 40 150 9857
Minna Seppänen
Article by City of Tampere