Tampere tramway building project progressing faster than planned; 95% of track work completed, project on schedule and budget

Most of the Tramway Alliance’s track work, as well as street and civil engineering work, will be completed by the end of this year. The track has been built even faster than planned, and track work is ahead of schedule. Three quarters of the whole project is now completed and the project is progressing on schedule and on budget.
Track work ahead of schedule
The track work on the Tampere tramway is ahead of schedule. Approximately 95% of the work is already completed. A total of 15 kilometres of double-track railway will be built for Section 1 (centre–Hervanta–TAYS). Almost 14 kilometres of the double-track railway has already been completed and, in addition, four kilometres of track has been completed at the tram depot. The construction work at the depot and the yard will also be completed this year.
Street construction work on Hämeenkatu is proceeding according to plan. This year has seen the completion of two blocks at each end of the street. The tramway construction on the Hämeensilta bridge will take place next year.
The year 2020 will see installation and finishing work of the electric track and other technical systems along the length of Section 1. The outfitting of the stops will continue, including benches, canopies and telecommunications.
Tampereen Raitiotie Oy continues working on the depot, installing workshop furniture and equipment needed for the maintenance and servicing of tram cars.
The track will be ready for test runs
The first prototype tram, assembled at the Skoda Transtech factory in the province of Kainuu, will arrive in Tampere in early 2020. Before entering the line, the tram car shall be subjected to service tests at the depot. Subsequently, the tram car will undergo test runs and other tests on the line section between the depot and Turtola stop in late winter. Later, the test runs will be extended further in accordance with the track section deployment plan and the progress of the installation of overhead lines and other technical systems.
The second tram car, which is also the first series produced car, is due to arrive in Tampere in late 2020. This will allow starting the technical test traffic on the tramway system. After that it is planned that the tram cars will arrive in Tampere at regular intervals so that commercial test traffic can start in April 2021 and regular passenger traffic on 9 August 2021.
Hämeenkatu road construction work on schedule
The construction work on Hämeenkatu is proceeding as planned. At the western end of Hämeenkatu, both sides of the street are completed along the section between Hämeenpuisto and Kuninkaankatu and, at the eastern end, the section between Aleksanterinkatu and Rautatienkatu is completed, excluding the front of Hämeenkatu 3. Next year will see the installation of overhead contact lines and technical systems on Hämeenkatu. Track-laying will start on the Hämeensilta bridge in spring, and all track work on Hämeenkatu will be completed next summer.
Street construction and stonemasonry work will continue next year on both sides of Hämeenkatu between Kuninkaankatu and Aleksanterinkatu at different points. Stonemasonry work between Kuninkaankatu and Aleksis Kiven katu will continue this year for as long as the weather permits. The section between Koskikatu and Aleksanterinkatu section is still under construction for next year’s stonemasonry works.
In connection with the construction of the tramway, the Tramway Alliance will completely renovate the Hämeenkatu street in accordance with the street plans. This includes an overhaul of the sidewalks, underground utility lines and pipes, and street and event lighting. The Hämeenkatu sidewalk construction will be completed one block at a time, the last sections from Keskustori in 2022.
The project is proceeding as planned
The construction of the Tampere tramway Section 1 (centre–Hervanta–TAYS) is progressing on schedule and on budget. The project is now 73% completed. Sixty-four per cent of the allocated project time has been used.
The target cost for the implementation phase of Section 1 of the tramway, approved by the Tampere City Council in October 2016, was EUR 219.0 million. During the implementation phase, additions of EUR 6.8 million to the work content of the tramway and a cost increase of EUR 6.7 million attributable to the client have been approved. In addition, street construction (including Hämeenkatu, the south side of Sammonkatu) and water supply works related to the construction of the tramway have been ordered separately from the Tramway Alliance for a total of EUR 37.8 million. Following these, the new target cost is now around EUR 270.3 million. The progress of the work and the development of the cost can be tracked on the website of the City of Tampere and on the Tramway Alliance website.
Decisions concerning the construction of the tramway on Hatanpään valtatie are due in late autumn
The construction of the tramway on Hatanpään valtatie between Hämeenkatu and Tampereen valtatie can begin as early as January next year if the proposal approved by the City Board on 4 November 2019 is approved by the City Council. The construction of Hatanpään valtatie section would be linked to the ongoing first phase of the tramway construction. The City Board also proposes that the tram line should run from the central hospital to Hatanpään valtatie instead of Pyynikintori.
With the construction of the Hatanpään valtatie section, the tramway work in the city centre would be completed at once, which has also been the wish of the business community. A tram line from TAYS to Hatanpään valtatie and Sori Square offers certain advantages from the point of view of the traffic system.
The Tramway Alliance has prepared an implementation plan and set a target cost for the construction of the Hatanpään valtatie tram line for the section between Koskipuisto and Tampereen valtatie in accordance with the street plan approved by the community board of the City of Tampere. Construction is to be carried out as before using the alliance model.
The Tramway Alliance also continues the planning process for Section 2 (centre–Lentävänniemi). The aim is for the Tampere City Council to decide on the construction next autumn.
Status of tramway and street construction of the Tramway Alliance in November 2019:
• On Pirkankatu, the track has been built from Pyynikintori to Metso. Tasks remaining to be carried out in 2020 include sections of pedestrian and cycling lanes, street paving and tidying up of green areas.
• In Hämeenpuisto, an electric track pole will be installed next to the main library building, Metso, this year. In 2020, the missing traffic dividers and paving will be completed in front of Metso. The Tramway Alliance will build the tramway in Hämeenpuisto and carry out street construction work in the access areas. The Hämeenpuisto area will be finalised by the City later as a separate project.
• On Hämeenkatu, except for the section on the Hämeensilta bridge, the track will be completed this year. Hämeenkatu sidewalk construction will be completed one block at a time, the last sections from Keskustori in 2022. At the western end of Hämeenkatu, both sides of the street are completed along the section between Hämeenpuisto and Kuninkaankatu and, at the eastern end, the section between Aleksanterinkatu and Rautatienkatu is completed, excluding the front of Hämeenkatu 3. In front of Sokos, stonemasonry work on the section from Kuninkaankatu to Aleksis Kiven katu continues for as long as the weather permits. The preparatory work for the areas to be paved in 2020 is nearing completion.
• At the junction of Rautatienkatu, Hämeenkatu and Itsenäisyydenkatu, the track work will be completed later this year; the street construction and paving work will continue next year.
• The tramway on Itsenäisyydenkatu will be completed this year. The carriageway and sidewalk on the south side, from Yliopistonkatu to Kalevan puistotie, will be completed in 2020. Tasks for the next year include pedestrian and cycling lanes, street paving, stonemasonry work for the Attila retaining wall and tidying the green areas. A canopy will be built in the tunnel below the railway, which will allow the bridge to be repaired at a later date without disrupting tram traffic.
• The street and tramway construction on Sammonaukio, Sammonkatu and Teiskontie is completed. Installation of the overhead contact lines starts next year.
• Work on Rieväkatu, as far as the Tramway Alliance’s work is concerned, will be completed this year, except for the electric poles and overhead lines, for which the installation will begin early next year.
• Tekunkatu/Kuntokatu is completed up to the TAYS stop. Track work on the bridge across Kekkosentie will continue in 2020. The work on the green track will continue on both sides of the bridge next year.
• Work on Vieritie will be completed next year for a section between the TAYS stop and Kauppi campus stop.
• On Hervannan valtaväylä, the track and civil engineering work will be completed this year. The second phase of the new pedestrian and bicycle path, “Hervannan Baana", will be opened in late November. The big tram bridges along Hervannan valtaväylä are completed. There still remains some work with the installation and adjustment of the overhead lines for next year.
• Insinöörinkatu between Atomipolku and Kanjoninkatu will be completed this year. Finishing work will be carried out next year on the section between Atomipolku and Arkkitehdinkatu.
• In Tohtorinpuisto, an underpass below Ruskontie has been built for the tram line. In Ramppipuisto, a pedestrian and cycling lane and an underpass have been built. The crushed stone section in Tohtorinpuisto has also been completed.
• Atomipolku and Hermiankatu will be completed this year, with some finishing work still to be done next year.
• Work is ongoing in the Makkarajärvi area and will be completed next year.
• The tracks in the depot are completed; building construction work and yard work will be completed this year. The installation of technical systems and maintenance equipment at the depot will continue next year.
• From November 18th, anyone working near the tramway must apply for permission from Tampereen Raitiotie Oy, which also organises safety training (Ratikkaturva) for those working near the tram line.
Further information
Tramway construction: Sari Yrjölä, Project Manager The Tramway Alliance
Sari Yrjölä
Tel. 040 8661682
Email sari.yrjola@nrcgroup.fi
Tram car, test runs and tramway system: Pekka Sirviö, CEO
Pekka Sirviö
Tel. +358 40 334 5798
Email pekka.sirvio@tampereenraitiotie.fi
Tramway development programme, City of Tampere:
Ville-Mikael Tuominen
Tel. +358 50 343 0700
Email Ville-Mikael.Tuominen@tampere.fi
Marja Merta
Wille Nyyssönen
Article by City of Tampere