Events Help Centre


Routes events are a source of breaking news in the aviation industry. Announcements about new air services are frequently made at the events, and the high-profile discussions at the conference frequently hit the headlines.


Can I promote new route announcements?

Yes, please contact our Editor-in-Chief, David Casey, if you have any recent new route announcements.

Where can I find the Air Transport Digest?

You can sign up here to get free air transport news, insight and analysis from our award-winning editors delivered to your inbox daily.

Who do I contact about attending an event as Media?

All journalists with editorial responsibility can attend Routes events free of charge. Please get in touch with our marketing team, along with media accreditation, to register for an event.

Who can I contact about media enquiries at an event?

For any media enquiries or registration at a Routes event, please contact our marketing team. 

Who can I contact about an interview for Routes?

If you would like to be interviewed for Routes News, please contact our Editor-in-Chief, David Casey.