Routes Europe 2017

Belfast, Northern Ireland
23 – 25 April 2017

Routes Europe 2017

Routes Europe 2017 is the largest regional gathering for all aviation based companies who wish to conduct business to, from and within the European region. Bringing together a wide range of airlines, airports and tourism...

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Event Programme

Saturday 22nd April

All day

Complimentary Tours
Sunday 23rd April
08:00 - 17:45 Registration, Diary Advice & Networking Area Open
10:00 - 12:30 Face-to-Face Meetings
Location: Airline Meeting Halls
12:00 - 13:25

Networking Lunch

13:25 - 15:25

Face-to-Face Meetings
Location: Airline Meeting Halls

14:00 - 17:10

Routes Europe Live Content Programme

Location: Routes Theatre - The Studio

15:25 - 15.55 Refreshment Break
Location: Networking Area
15:55 - 17:35 Face-to-Face Meetings
Location: Airline Meeting Halls
17:35 Meetings End
17.45 - 19.45 Welcome Reception
Monday 24th April
07:30 - 17:15 Registration, Diary Advice & Networking Area Open
08:05 - 10:30 Face-to-Face Meetings
08:55 - 16:30

Routes Europe Live Content Programme

Location: Routes Theatre - The Studio

10:30 - 11:00 Refreshment Break

Location: Networking Area

11:00 - 12:45 Face-to-Face Meetings
12:35 - 14:05 Networking Lunch
Location: Networking Area
14:05 - 15:40 Face-to-Face Meetings
15:40 - 16:10 Refreshment Break
Location: Networking Area
16:10 - 17:25 Face-to-Face Meetings
17:25 Meetings End
19:00 - 23:30

Networking Evening and Routes Europe Marketing Awards

Tuesday 25th April
08:00 - 17:30 Registration, Diary Advice & Networking Area Open
08:05 - 10:30 Face-to-Face Meetings
08:55 - 17:00

Routes Europe Live Content Programme

Location: Routes Theatre - The Studio

10:30 - 11:00 Refreshment Break
Location: Networking Area
11:00 - 13:05 Face-to-Face Meetings 
12:35 - 14:05  Lunch hosted by Hosts of Routes Europe 2018
Location: Networking Area
14:05 - 15:40 Face-to-Face Meetings
15:40 - 16:10 Refreshment Break
Location: Networking Area
16:10 - 17:20 Face-to-Face Meetings
17:20 Final Meetings end