TakeOff North America 2019

Orlando/Sanford, Florida
28 – 29 October 2019

TakeOff North America 2019

The Air Service Development Forum Dedicated to the North American Marketplace


TakeOff provides small and medium-sized North American airports with the opportunity to meet face-to-face with airlines and present their air service development business case to the region’s key decision makers.

Pre-scheduled meetings

TakeOff North Americas Face to Face meetings

Face-to-face meetings provide the the North American air serivce development community with the perfect opportunity to discuss new and existing air services. Schedule priority face-to-face meetings with your key targets and plan your organisation's future route strategy in Orlando/Sanford

On-Site Meeting System

Take Off North America Meetings 1

Providing real-time updates and offering around the clock functionality, the On-site Meeting System allows you to pack more into your diary.