Routes World 2022

Las Vegas, USA
16 – 18 October 2022

Routes World 2022

Routes World 2022 will bring together airline, airport, and destination decision-makers to define the world’s route network.

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First Time Attending?

Is this your first Routes event? Below we have all the information and tips you will need to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience for you and your business.

Routes - Who we are

Our concept is simple: we recognise that route development is a partnership between airlines, airports and tourism authorities. Routes events provide an opportunity for these partners to meet, negotiate and build relationships that will go on to shape the world's future air networks.

Through the significant global route development forum, Routes World, as well as important regional events held in key markets every year, Routes organises and operates world-renowned meeting and networking platforms that directly impact the development of future air services around the globe.

What to Expect at our Events?


Face-to-Face Meetings

Meetings form the core of Routes events. Airport and tourism delegates, who register as a meetings delegate, can submit their airline requests from 1 August. The meeting system opens to all other delegates on 11 October.

Time: Between 8:30am-5:40pm, for 20 mins slots

Location: Airline Meetings Halls

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Networking Opportunities

The event hospitality programme facilitates the fostering of new business relationships and networking informally with industry partners in spectacular settings

Time: Various throughout the event

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Industry Insights

Exclusive insights from CEOs and industry heavyweights as they discuss the current state of the industry and the future of air service development in a jam-packed conference programme.

Time: Between 9am-5pm across the 3 days

Location: Keynote Theatre

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Event FAQs

Hotels and Travel

Do I need a visa to travel to Las Vegas?

Delegates should check with their local embassy to understand whether a visa is required to travel to Last Vegas for Routes World. Our hosts can provide Visa Invitation letters to support any delegate’s visa application.

How do I book accommodation for this year's event?

Delegates can compare and sort hotels by distance, price and TripAdvisor rating on our dedicated webpage, hosted by our official hotel provider, HotelMap. View and book official hotels in Las Vegas.

Do I need to do a Covid test before arriving or departing from Las Vegas? 

Please refer to your home country’s specific guidance on travel to Italy. If you require a negative PCR test to return to your country of origin, we will be able to provide details for the testing facility nearest to the event.


Below we have listed the most frequently asked questions regarding meetings at Routes World. 

When and how can I request meetings?

If you have registered as a meetings delegate, you can start to pre-schedule meetings from 1 August 2022 for airline, airport, tourism authority and economic development organisation delegates. For supplier delegates, the meeting request system will open from 11 October.

Who can I request meetings with?

You can request meetings with airlines, airports, tourism authorities, economic development organisations and suppliers.

Where can I find my meeting diary?

Your pre-scheduled meetings diary will be available from 11 October. You will be able to access your meetings diary via the Meeting System and the Routes App.

Any tips for a successful meeting?

1. Keep presentations short and to the point… less is more!
2. Meetings are more than presenting information, they are about building relationships.
3. Understand an airline's network, fleet, business model, alliance relationships and strategy.
4. Present content that is visually appealing and easy to digest.

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Below we have listed the most frequently asked questions regarding networking at Routes World.

Are there networking opportunities during the event days?

Yes, there are networking sessions and opportunities throughout the event days. You can find the full schedule of these in our event programme

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Below we have listed the most frequently asked questions regarding the conference at Routes World. Find out more information here. 

Do you need to book a place at the conference sessions?

No, you do not need to book to attend any of our conference sessions. You can freely turn up to any sessions you wish to see.

Who will be at the conference?

There are many key leaders and decision-makers speaking at Routes World 2022. Those confirmed include Frontier's CEO, Barry Biffle, Hawaiian Airlines’ President and CEO, Peter Ingram and ACI World's Director General, Luis Felipe de Oliveira. you can find the full conference schedule here.

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Where can I find the Routes App?

The Routes App will be available two weeks ahead of the event. You can find it via any app store by searching Routes Event App.

How do I log into the Routes App?

When the app is available, you will be able to log in using your email address used for registration. You will then receive a verification code to complete your registration.

Useful Resources

Routes World 2022 Attendees

  • Vietnam Airlines
  • Vivaaerobus
  • LATAM Express
  • LATAM Ecuador
  • Lynx Air International Inc.
  • LATAM Peru
  • SAS Scandinavian Airlines
  • & Jet2holidays
  • Hawaiian Airlines
  • Volaris
  • Southwest Airlines
  • Southern Airways Express
  • Cyprus Airways
  • Emirates
  • JSX
  • LOT Polish Airlines
  • LATAM Brasil
  • LATAM Colombia
  • avianca
  • Nordica

Highlight Videos


Keep up to date with the latest information for Routes World 2022 on LinkedIn and check out our previous events' highlight albums.

Future Routes Events

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Routes Asia 2023

14th-16th February

Chiang Mai, Thailand


Routes Americas 2023

21st-23rd March

Chicago, Illinois


Routes Europe 2023

9th-11th May

Łódź, Poland