Routes Asia 2025

The route development forum for Asia

Perth, Australia
25 – 27 March 2025

Restricted Items to Australia

There are a number of items that you cannot bring into Australia, or need to declare upon arrival. We have listed below those items so you can be prepared and ensure a smooth entry into the country.

For more information and a full list of what you cannot bring or need to declare on arrival please visit the Australian Border Force website or the Australian Government Agricultural website.

Popular items you cannot bring into Australia

Food from the plane

You cannot bring food from the plane into Australia.

Homemade Food

You generally cannot bring Meals, cakes or anything you made yourself into Australia.


Raw (uncooked) rice is not permitted and will be destroyed.

Other processed rice products (including roasted, parboiled or puffed rice, microwave ready rice pouches, rice flakes and rice flour) must meet import conditions. Refer to BICON for specific conditions.

Fresh Fruit

You cannot bring fresh fruit, including Apples, mandarins, oranges, and other fresh fruit, etc. into Australia.


Whole eggs are not allowed into Australia unless accompanied by an import permit.

For more information on importing chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) egg products for human consumption please see the BICON case: Egg and egg products for human consumption.

Popular items to declare on arrival


You do not need a permit to bring in most prescription medicines even if they contain a controlled substance because such imports are generally covered by a traveller exemption scheme.

Find out more information on specific medications here.

Duty Free Items

Be aware there are duty-free limits that you can bring into Australia:

General Goods: Adults - AUD900, Kids - AUD450, Alcohol - 2.25 litres, Tobacco - 25 cigarettes or 25g tobacco.

There may be airline rules about cabin or hold baggage or aviation safety laws that mean you can’t take certain items in the cabin or on the plane. You can find out more information here.

Laser pointers

Hand-held laser pointers that have a strength greater than 1mW (milliwatt) are not allowed into Australia without the required permission. This includes laser pointers, laser pens and laser torches


Seeds can be sent or brought to Australia if they meet certain requirements that can be found here.


Honey products are permitted into most Australian states and territories. Honey products must be inspected by a biosecurity officer on arrival, to confirm the honey items are free from contamination.


You can bring in coffee for personal use into Australia. However there are restrictions depending on the coffee. Find out more information here.

Wooden Items

Wooden items are allowed into Australia if they are free from bark, insects and signs of insect damage (such as borer holes) or any other contamination. To check for insect damage look closely at wooden items for holes and sawdust. Wooden items must be declared and inspected on arrival. This includes any gifts or promotional items containing wood.

Wooden items that do not meet these import conditions will be treated, exported or destroyed at the importer’s expense.

For more information visit importing wooden and bamboo articles for non-commercial (personal) use.

For more information and a full list of what you cannot bring or need to declare on arrival please visit the Australian Border Force website or the Australian Government Agricultural website.

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