Routes app sponsorship
The Routes app puts an entire Routes event in the hands of our delegates. Sponsorship of the Routes app provides you with a high-profile opportunity to showcase your business to the Routes event audience and guarantees that your brand message will be viewed by 100% of app users.

increase in C-suite users in 2018

increase in airline users in 2018

in app section visits in 2018
Josefin Haraldsson
“Routesonline channels are essential in our media mix. For Routes events, we combine the Routes app sponsorship with Routesonline advertising, maximising the impact of our message.”
Head of Marketing & PR
Swedavia Airports
Routes app sponsor benefits

Splash screen
Ensure every user sees your branding on opening the app

Promoted posts
Five opportunities a day to push out your message to delegates

Web link in app
Link to your website directly from the app navigation
For more information about Routes app sponsorship please download the media pack below, email us for further information or call +44 (0)161 234 2730 to speak to a member of the Routesonline team.
Download the media pack (4.08 MB) Return to digital promotion opportunities