Create the Perfect Airline Presentation

Allow ASM to help your business deliver the most effective airline meetings and secure new air services to your airport or region through ‘The Perfect Presentation’.
Allow ASM to help your business deliver the most effective airline meetings and secure new air services to your airport or region through ‘The Perfect Presentation’. Distil the right core messages, deliver compelling arguments, utilise the right visualisation techniques and deliver impact through effective and creative delivery.
ASM can give you a thorough briefing on your audience and provide you with an in depth understanding of your target airlines. Our team of consultants can show you how to overcome objections and identify the right questions to ask as part of your presentation.
The right critical data is crucial to developing ‘The Perfect Presentation’ and we can offer you MIDT traffic reports and data through our My Airport Passenger Statistics (MAPS) tool to develop an in-depth business case.
ASM can also provide you with a toolkit of graphic design formats to help you deliver impact through the design of your presentation. Our design toolkit of interactive presentations includes:
• Simple, static PowerPoint presentation
• Simple static tablet presentation
• Forecast summary graphics snapshot
• Poster-sized printed graphic data presentation sheet
• Detailed tablet presentation
• Mobile smart phone optimised presentation
• Live-data desktop, tablet and Smartphone application.
In providing ‘The Perfect Presentation’ to airports and tourism authorities, ASM will support you through market data, traffic forecasts, airline briefings, meeting coaching, presentation format and branding and sales skills.
For further information about how to develop ‘The Perfect Presentation’ please email Nigel Mayes or call +44 161 234 2700.