Director Takes Skills to SMAG Workshop

One of Aviation's most experienced Managing Directors is set to share his knowledge at the forthcoming Small and Medium sized airport Action Group (SMAG) conference in Dubrovnik later this month.
- For Immediate Release -
Manchester, 8 March 2010
One of Aviation's most experienced Managing Directors is set to share his knowledge at the forthcoming Small and Medium sized airport Action Group (SMAG) conference in Dubrovnik later this month.
John Grant, who heads the team of route development and marketing experts at ASM, will be running a workshop on the final day of the three day event, which runs from Monday 15th to Wednesday 17th March. The session, entitled 'Route Development and Planning', will take delegates through essential know-how in the areas of negotiation, relationship building, stakeholder partnerships and route delivery.
"The SMAG conference is always an excellent forum and I am honoured to be presenting to delegates there," said Grant of the engagement.
"An understanding of route development and planning is essential to all airports and the SMAG members who choose to attend will benefit from a detailed overview of the most topical issues and the opportunity to ask questions."
The session will be based on ASM's significant airline and airport experience in all key markets around the globe and is available only to delegates of the SMAG conference. There are still spaces left and bookings can be made via the event's website
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Notes to Editors
About ASM
- Airport Strategy & Marketing Ltd (ASM) was founded in 1993 and was the first management consulting company specializing in the field of route development for airports.
- ASM works exclusively for airports, helping them expand their route networks and bring economic development to their surrounding regions. The results that have been achieved support ASM's claim to be the world leader in its field.
- ASM does not contract to airlines. This gives its consultants the unique ability to protect their objectivity and freedom to act in the best way possible for every client. Carriers understand that there are no conflicts of interest and, as such, relationships with them are based on trust and mutual respect.
- The company is built around a growing team of experienced route development professionals and their approach purposely mirrors the function and nature of route development itself. This has enabled ASM to develop a track record without equal in delivering new routes for airports across all airline sectors.