ASM Vice President to Address New York Caribbean Week

Airport Strategy & Marketing (ASM) Ltd has confirmed its attendance at the forthcoming Caribbean Week, the event hosted by the Caribbean Tourism Organisation in New York from 6 – 12 June.
Manchester, 24 May 2010
Airport Strategy & Marketing (ASM) Ltd has confirmed its attendance at the forthcoming Caribbean Week, the event hosted by the Caribbean Tourism Organisation in New York from 6 - 12 June.
A presentation will be given by Janice Antonson, ASM's Vice President, which promises to provide ministers, commissioners, directors of tourism and national tourism organisations with "Everything you wanted to know about Negotiating with Airlines" on Thursday, June 10, at Helmsley Hotel.
The week-long event typically attracts around 10,000 participants comprising tourism officials, the media, sponsors and strategic partners and has the aim of increasing demand for the area as a holiday destination by providing a platform for the sale of Caribbean vacations.
Janice Antonson, ASM Vice President, explained:
"As the role played by tourism authorities is increasing in importance in the development of routes, Caribbean Week is an ideal place to showcase the work carried out by ASM and to offer our expertise in the field of negotiating with airlines.
"One of the main objectives of the event is to create an environment that will attract significant positive media attention for the Caribbean, whilst providing opportunities for all members to promote their individual products and services. By giving our presentation, we are arming the tourism industry with the relevant tools to approach the airlines in order to get the most from being at the event."
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Notes to Editors
- Airport Strategy & Marketing Ltd (ASM) was founded in 1993 and was the first management consulting company specializing in the field of route development for airports.
- ASM works exclusively for airports, helping them expand their route networks and bring economic development to their surrounding regions. The results that have been achieved support ASM's claim to be the world leader in its field.
- ASM does not contract to airlines. This gives its consultants the unique ability to protect their objectivity and freedom to act in the best way possible for every client. Carriers understand that there are no conflicts of interest and, as such, relationships with them are based on trust and mutual respect.
- The company is built around a growing team of experienced route development professionals and their approach purposely mirrors the function and nature of route development itself. This has enabled ASM to develop a track record without equal in delivering new routes for airports across all airline sectors.
- ASM is a subsidiary of RDG, a family of inter-related companies, strategic partners and associates that is the leading global solutions provider in the strategically important 'route development' sector of air transport.
For further press information please contact:
Rachel McQuilliam
T: +44 (0) 161 876 5522
Nadine Wenn
The Route Development Group (RDG)
T: +44 (0)161 234 2711