ASM Instrumental in Development of New British Airways Route

Airport Strategy & Marketing (ASM) Ltd, the world's leading route development consultancy, is delighted to have played a pivotal role in the launch of a new British Airways route from Gatwick to Cancun, the only direct route between the two cities by a scheduled airline.
Manchester, 17 June 2010
Airport Strategy & Marketing (ASM) Ltd, the world's leading route development
consultancy, is delighted to have played a pivotal role in the launch of a new British
Airways route from Gatwick to Cancun, the only direct route between the two cities by a
scheduled airline.
The introduction of the new twice-weekly service, due to commence in November 2010,
was orchestrated by ASM on behalf of, and with the cooperation of, ASUR (Grupo
Aeroportuario del Sureste), the group which operates Cancun Airport.
ASM was instrumental in facilitating talks between ASUR and BA, having advised the
group on the approach and messages required. The consultants were involved with all
stages of the negotiations between ASUR, BA and the Mexican Tourism Authority to sort
out logistics in London.
Gordon Bevan, Vice President Consultancy Services at ASM, commented:
"We are delighted that this route has now come to fruition and will commence later this
year. It is testament to the long-standing relationships with the air services community
that ASM has cultivated over the years, combined with the hard work that has been
invested by all sides, that this result has come about.
"We believe that two 777s a week will service the route effectively. Mexicana Airlines
has opened a hub to Latin America in Cancun, as part of the oneworld alliance, which BA
will be able to make use of and enjoy the connection benefits of, once the operation is
Leonardo Alejandro Vales Lehne, Customer and Route Development Director at ASUR,
added: "ASUR is delighted to have BA flying to Cancun. It has been the result of a great deal of
teamwork, in which ASM played a key role. This is confirmation that Cancun is a highend,
world-class destination, and the message is clear: Cancun is the secret for
successful routes."
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Notes to Editors
- Airport Strategy & Marketing Ltd (ASM) was founded in 1993 and was the first management consulting company specializing in the field of route development for airports.
- ASM works exclusively for airports, helping them expand their route networks and bring economic development to their surrounding regions. The results that have been achieved support ASM's claim to be the world leader in its field.
- ASM does not contract to airlines. This gives its consultants the unique ability to protect their objectivity and freedom to act in the best way possible for every client. Carriers understand that there are no conflicts of interest and, as such, relationships with them are based on trust and mutual respect.
- The company is built around a growing team of experienced route development professionals and their approach purposely mirrors the function and nature of route development itself. This has enabled ASM to develop a track record without equal in delivering new routes for airports across all airline sectors.
- ASM is a subsidiary of RDG, a family of inter-related companies, strategic partners and associates that is the leading global solutions provider in the strategically important 'route development' sector of air transport.
For further press information please contact:
Nadine Wenn
The Route Development Group (RDG)
T: +44 (0)161 234 2711