World Routes 2015: Complimentary Tour 3

Inanda Heritage Route and KwaMuhle Museum
In partnership with our host, we are providing comlimentary tours during World Routes so you can experience all that KwaZulu-Natal has to offer:
Complimentary Tour 3
The Inanda Heritage Route takes in some of the most important historical sites of Durban. Winding its way through the Inanda Valley, it provides a critical snapshot South African history. The Phoenix Settlement, established by Mahatma Ghandi, Inanda Seminary, the first secondary school for African girls, John Dube’s, the founding president of the African National Congress’ grave and the Ohlange Institute where Nelson Mandela cast his first vote, all form part of this route. The Inanda Dam nearby makes for a fascinating day outing.
07:30 - 08:00 - Departure to KwaMuhle Museum from North Beach Tourism Office.
08:00 - 08:30 - KwaMuhle Museum provides a vital link to the city’s history with its powerful displays. Learn about the history of Cato Manor, which has been restored and upgraded to cater for previously marginalised communities.
08:30: Depart for Inanda Heritage Route.
09:00 - 09:30 - The Phoenix Settlement was established in 1904 by Mahatma Ghandi. Here you can view his house, international printing press and museum.
10:00 - 11:00 - John Dube’s grave and the Ohlange Institute.
11:00 - 12:00 - Inanda Seminary.