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Exclusive early access to Routes events Meeting Request System

Exclusive early access to Meeting Request System

Early access to Routes events Meeting Request System, exclusive to Routes 360 members, event exhibitors, and sponsors.

Routes 360 members, event exhibitors, and sponsors now have the ability to request airline meetings for all future Routes events one week earlier than other attending airports and destinations. Understanding the value of airline meetings at Routes events, the new benefit shows extended efforts to enhance experience and value in event investment and the Routes 360 platform.

Providing this advantage ensures they will be one of the first to request those all-important meeting slots with target airlines. The Meeting Request System opening dates for 2025 are as follows:


Access for Routes 360 members, event exhibitors and sponsors

Open for all event delegates

Routes Americas

 2 January

7 January

Routes Asia

12 February

19 February

Routes Europe

3 March

10 March

Routes World

14 July

21 July

Ahead of meetings at Routes events, Routes 360 members can also access airline requirements and gated route development contacts to ensure their route proposals are aligned to airline objectives, enhance meeting effectiveness, and develop valuable business opportunities.

If you want to ensure your organisation is at the forefront of network planning conversations, alongside a wealth of additional benefits, request a Routes 360 membership demo today.