Analysing Delta Air Lines' Role at Dallas

OAG analyses how Delta Air Lines is attempting to increase capacity at Dallas.
Southwest has given Delta Air Lines a temporary reprieve this week in its use of two gates at Dallas Love Field Airport (DAL). So, for the time being, Delta can continue to operate to Atlanta from Love, a destination it already serves from Dallas/Ft. Worth (DFW).
When it became apparent the two gates in question would become available under the terms of the US Department of Justice settlement, enabling American Airlines to merge with US Airways, three carriers expressed interest in the gates – Delta, Southwest and Virgin America.
Delta went so far as to put its proposed flights into the gates’ schedule, hoping to expand from its single destination regional jet operation to serve multiple destinations and upgrade to 717s.
While Delta could be a worthy competitor against American Airlines, which dominates DFW as it operates four in every five seats in July 2015, the reality is that Delta is very much a minority player.
Looking at Delta Air Lines' capacity, with just 2% at DAL and 4% at DFW, it is no match for either American Airlines at DFW or Southwest Airlines at DAL. The competition Delta’s facing comes from American Airlines on every one of its eight routes from DFW and from Southwest on its DAL operation to Atlanta.
Delta has fought hard to retain control of the gates but it’s hard to see this as part of a long-term strategy for serving Dallas. Current regulations limit DAL to 20 gates so there is a limit to growth anyway. Delta must be looking back at its decision at the end of 2004 to drop DFW as a hub, vacating 24 gates in the process.
This report used OAG Schedules Analyser to compile its data. Take a free trial today to see what our products can do for you.
For a full detailed report on Delta Air Lines' growth and its plans to increase capacity at West Coasts to focus on Asia, download our latest report, 'Delta Looks West with Focus on Far East' using the button below.