All-new Global Monthly OTP Reports for Airlines and Airports

Find out which airlines and airports got their on-time performance off to a winning start.
OTP global rankings for Airline and Airports for January 2016 are available now. To discover which ones started the New Year with an outstanding OTP, download our report today. Reports include rankings by geographic region, the Top 60 airlines, top 100 airports and those with some work to do, plus a full listing of over 500 airlines and 1200 airports.
From the world’s most comprehensive flight status database, OAG flightview, the reports cover 500 airlines and 1200 airports detailing OTP by arrivals and departures including cancellation rates. With over 95% global coverage and tracking more flights than ever before, this is the most reliable place to get your OTP facts and figures.
Start off by receiving the first of 2016's reports for the month of January.