OAG's 8 for 2018

OAG examines industry trends coming up in the following year and makes 8 predictions of what could happen in the world of aviation in 2018.
1. Thumbs up for Gatwick
London’s inevitable runway solution. Don’t be surprised to see the UK Government backtrack on their preferred status of LHR for a 3rd runway. The numbers used to support the case have subsequently been blown out of the water and the Government have commissioned a new set of numbers. They will probably show a much stronger case for LGW in terms of future demand and development cost compared to LHR. The truth is that both airports should be given approval to expand in order to serve the needs of UK. It’s about connectivity and the UK is bursting at the seams.
2. Asia Megahub Boost Punctuality
Daxing International Airport opens in Beijing, increasing capacity in the city and offering a real competitive option with both China Southern and China Eastern moving to the new facility. The notoriously less than brilliant punctuality in China could do with a boost from a new airport and this additional capacity may even be the basis of new LCCs entering the market.
3. Don't cry for me Argentina
No seriously – it’s on the up. As Argentina sees the arrival of Norwegian and its LCC operations within Latin America, this could be the competitive edge that Argentina has required for many years. The modest growth in 2017 could be the foundation for a bounce-back year for Brazilian aviation and strong 2018 growth.
4. Brexit Smexit
We’re done talking about it. With Brexit less than 18 months away, there has already been thousands of words printed on the subject. Ultimately, post-Brexit air service agreements with other EU countries will be in the hands of the UK government, the Civil Aviation Authority and the Department of Transport to renegotiate.
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