Predictive Intelligence: The Rising Star in Travel Tech Adoption

With all the disruptive technologies promising to revolutionise the travel industry -- biometrics, blockchain, virtual reality, predictive analytics and supersonic planes, to name a few -- it can be hard to separate hype from reality. A few innovations, like biometric fingerprint and iris scanning, have already started to stick, while only time will tell if newer concepts, like virtual reality, will move past the hype phase.
A clear rising star in the tech landscape: Artificial and predictive intelligence. Findings from OAG’s new travel tech report, based on a survey of more than 2,000 leisure and business travellers, show the outlook for AI adoption is extremely positive. The technology has tremendous potential for streamlining the end-to-end travel experience:
- More than half (60 percent) of all travelers and 72 percent of millennials said using AI to predict flight cancellations and delays would be valuable on the day-of-travel.
- 73 percent of all travelers and 89 percent of millennials said using AI to predict flight pricing during the booking process would positively impact their travel endeavors.
- 26 percent of all travelers said AI-based travel booking and itinerary management systems would improve their travel experience.
Business travellers’ appetite for AI makes complete sense -- convenience, efficiency, and reliability rule their worlds, and artificial intelligence technology delivers against these needs with higher levels of predictability.
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