OAG Coronavirus Update – Week Thirty Five Waving Goodbye to The Recovery

The increasing fear, or indeed reality of a second wave of Covid-19 in the last week appears to have had little immediate impact on weekly capacity.
Those following these weekly updates will not be surprised by that, since we have been trending down over the last six weeks and many airlines had already responded to most recent changes in travel requirements from countries across the globe.
The headline numbers are stark; global capacity remains at 46% of that operated this week last year, 1.25 billion fewer scheduled seats operated since January than the previous year, sixty fewer airlines operating and sadly many airlines are making further redundancies as they prepare for the winter season. Airlines around the world continue to plead for Government support although quite why they were not stronger in their pleas for help in July remains a mystery since most of us could see what was developing. Hindsight eh!
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