Summer Season Airline Capacity Begins to Bounce Back

US Airlines Add New Airport Pairs in May & June
An “eggstraordinary” week for global capacity sees the weekly seat count crack through the sixty million barrier and reach 62.1 million, a 4% increase week on week and that’s the end of the poor “yolks”!
If all of the planned capacity materialises for this week then we are heading for the best week in over twelve months, which is a really positive point to carry into the new IATA Summer Season although of course demand is the more important measurement. It is very early but airlines appear to remain generally bullish around the summer season with capacity trending upwards in every month of the next two quarters: certainly, airline network planners would appear to be injecting more capacity into a vaccine populated world. Equally, on a more cautionary note, many airlines are just placing capacity into the market in hope of a Mexican wave of summer demand, and we can expect to see lots of changes in the coming weeks.
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