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Monday, 9 March 2020
COVID19 Increases US Domestic Capacity
By OAGOne of the beautiful things about aeroplanes is that they can broadly fly anywhere; not so beautiful is the fact that they cost a lot of money to...
Friday, 6 March 2020
Discover new route opportunities for your airport
By BEONTRAResearch conducted by BEONTRA reveals that more than half of all newly introduced routes have an origin-destination (OD) market size below 1,000...
Tuesday, 3 March 2020
Battle for Japan - new Haneda slots for flights to Australia
By Japan TravelRisks and opportunities for direct and indirect carriers
Monday, 2 March 2020
Chinese Capacity Recovers…Global Capacity Remains Stable
By OAGThe welcomed addition of another 2.9 million scheduled seats (18,200 flights) back into the Chinese domestic market provides a positive update on...
Monday, 24 February 2020
Coronavirus Week Six - Capacity Recovers Slightly...Or Does It?
By OAGIf you believe the data, then this week sees the first signs of a recovery in capacity to/from and within China for the first time since the...
How Green Is Your Airline?
By OAGLast week a British Airways Boeing 747 beat the record for a subsonic transatlantic crossing, thanks to a supercharged jetstream. With a flight...
Wednesday, 19 February 2020
How can the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on airport operations be minimized?
By BEONTRAUse these 4 recommendations Last week's IATA's Economic Chart of the Week indicates that regional traffic in the Asia Pacific region is...
Tuesday, 18 February 2020
Lessons From Flybe - European Regional Airline Networks And Hub Access
By OAGOne of the repeated comments regarding the recent near demise of UK regional airline Flybe was that it doesn’t have access to London...
Monday, 17 February 2020
Coronavirus Continues Damaging China Capacity
By OAGFive weeks ago, China was the third largest international aviation market in the world; today it ranks 25th, just behind Portugal and slightly...
Monday, 10 February 2020
Coronavirus Kills International Capacity
By OAGLast week we reported on probably the most dramatic reduction in capacity we had ever seen in one market; one week later we have to report that...
Thursday, 6 February 2020
Coronavirus: Resilience of air travel means recovery will come in time
By OAGIn the middle of a crisis it’s often hard to see beyond it, and to imagine life getting back to normal. The latest crisis to hit the...
Tuesday, 4 February 2020
Are Flight Cancellations Running Ahead Of Coronovirus Spread?
By OAGBetween February 2nd and February 3rd 2020, the daily World Health Organization coronavirus situation report indicated 2827 more...
Monday, 3 February 2020
Coronavirus Strikes Chinese Aviation
By OAGOne in Four Seats Cancelled The last week has seen unprecedented levels of action by Governments to control the spread of Coronavirus....
Thursday, 30 January 2020
Vienna's Changing Market
By OAGUltra-Low-Cost provokes legacy woes The battle amongst Europe’s low-cost airlines has slowly been shifting eastwards as markets...
Thursday, 23 January 2020
Start-Ups and Entrepreneurs in air travel – who to watch in the 2020s
By OAGWhat Lies Ahead? Travel Technology Trends and Companies to Watch out for in the 2020s From the air to the ground, the travel industry...
Tuesday, 21 January 2020
Coronavirus - Tracking Down the Bug
By OAGIt’s the first quarter of the new decade and we have the first medical alert as China deals with a new strain of coronavirus or to give it...
Thursday, 16 January 2020
Climate Change and the US addiction to flying: Is rail revival the answer?
By OAGAs environmental concerns gather momentum, the focus on air travel’s contribution is high. In regions such as Europe, China and Japan,...
Monday, 13 January 2020
FlyBe - Can Regional Be Too Regional
By OAGIt’s tough being a regional airline in the UK as BmiRegional, and others will confirm; or at least would do if they were still in business....
Friday, 3 January 2020
Punctuality League 2020
By OAGPunctuality - Not about size. Not about congestion. Once again, the OAG Punctuality League demonstrates that airlines and airports of all...
Friday, 27 December 2019
Decade Delights: Ten Years of Aviation Development
By OAGIncredibly it’s nearly the end of the decade! Ten years of amazing aviation, data, insights, changes and fascinating facts; most of them...