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Monday, 14 November 2016
Incredible India - Capacity Crunch
By OAGWith India Tourism the premier partner for World Travel Market this week, OAG has prepared a series of blogs about what is happening with India’s...
Incredible India - Two Versions of Regional Connectivity
By OAGWith India Tourism the premier partner for World Travel Market this year, OAG has prepared a series of blogs about what is happening with India’s...
Thursday, 10 November 2016
My Guide to Belfast
By RoutesA few weeks ago, some of the Routes team and I were lucky enough to visit the wonderful city of Belfast, the official host of Routes Europe 2017.
Monday, 31 October 2016
Investing Wisely with Aviation Data
By OAGAviation is a risky business from many perspectives; the returns for airlines modest over a full economic cycle, infrastructure investment...
Monday, 24 October 2016
Morocco - Doing West Africa Proud
By OAGQuietly on the West Coast of Africa things are happening. A new hub airport is emerging that provides real hope of long-term continuity in a part...
Monday, 17 October 2016
Welcome to OAG’s all new Spanish website!
By OAGExclusive Latin America content for our Spanish-speaking users
Rebooting South America’s Hubs
By OAGWith tech hubs springing up in the likes of Santiago and Medellin, there are new opportunities for many of South America’s largest airports.
Monday, 19 September 2016
China’s Outbound Love Story
By OAGAs World Routes heads to Chengdu in September, OAG takes a timely look at where China’s international capacity is headed.
Monday, 12 September 2016
Ask the Experts: What will be the long term impact of Brexit?
By ASM Global Route DevelopmentNigel Mayes, Senior Vice President, Consulting & Product Development, ASM discusses the impact of Brexit on the aviation industry.
The Developing Transatlantic Low-Cost Battle
By OAGEmergent markets, new airlines, burgeoning low cost sector, new alliances, partnerships and record passenger volumes. We must be talking about Asia?
Sofia - The Latest Aviation Battleground
By OAGAviation is full of great iconic airline battles, it’s what makes the industry so fascinating; unless of course you are an airline CEO. Battles for...
The long and the short of the 787 at All Nippon
By OAGIt’s only a week ago since All Nippon Airways took delivery of its 50th Dreamliner. We’d already started to think about how the Japanese airline...
Monday, 22 August 2016
From Australia to the UK; an Ambitious Journey
By OAGIt’s been an iconic ambition to secure non-stop services from Australia to the United Kingdom. Something that has been talked about for many years...
Monday, 15 August 2016
Busiest day of the year meltdown: The Atlanta Blues
By OAGTraditionally on the busiest week of the year, Delta Air Lines had been struck down by a system failure that had brought the airline to a...
Monday, 8 August 2016
United States – Mexico: Opening the Skies Further…
By OAGIt may prove to be one of the last changes to US aviation policy under the current administration but the expansion of open skies between the...
The Slot Machine
By OAGWith the expectation that a decision on where London’s next runway capacity will be delayed again, this time until later this year, we take a look...
Monday, 18 July 2016
Phoenix to Orlando – whatever next in the US one-stop shop?
By OAGGeography can be challenging, especially when you are located on the East or West Coast of the United States and need to fly somewhere quickly....
Finders Keepers
By OAGAir services between China and Europe are growing rapidly. In July 2016, there will be an average of 167 operations every day flying between China...
Monday, 11 July 2016
Underserved Routes from A to B, via C
By OAGWe all like to travel as directly as possible from one destination to the next but sometimes it just isn’t possible. That once daily frequency may...
Monday, 27 June 2016
Joining Up The Dots - Asia's Megacities
By OAGImagine two cities with populations of 31 million and 25 million, respectively. It seems hardly credible that they would have no direct air...