Early Meeting Request System Access


Routes 360 members can request airline meetings for future Routes events one week earlier than other attending airports and destinations. Ensure you will be one of the first to request those all-important meeting slots with target airlines. 

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Whilst Routes events have the highest meeting fulfilment rate of any route development event, Routes 360 members can go one step further to heighten their chances of presenting route proposals to their target airlines. 

How does it work?

  • Select the meetings package when registering for a Routes event. Once processed, you will be contacted by our dedicated registration team with your Personal Registration Code (PRC).
  • Our team will remind Routes 360 members when the early access is live and you can start requesting meetings. We will also contact attending airlines, encouraging them to accept early requests.
  • To access the meeting request site, log in to Routes and navigate to the home page. Enter your PRC where it says "Request your face-to-face meetings".
  • Explore airline requirements on their Routes 360 profiles to ensure your proposal aligns with airline expectations.

Over 400 organisations are actively using Routes 360

Leading carriers are identifying new route opportunities and sourcing vital information to fuel route development conversations. 

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